Types of Runways at Airports
Have you ever wondered why the runways at airports where planes land and take off are only at certain angles and directions? Designing an airport from start to finish requires a serious engineering effort where many variables are effective. Before the construction of the runways, which are one of the most basic and important components of the airport, the location, number, length and layout are determined by taking into account the conditions determined by the authorized institutions in the field of aviation.
Conditions Effective in Determining the Location, Number and Length of Runways:
● Weather-Meteorological conditions, wind distribution and fog formation. In particular, the direction of the main runway should be arranged in the direction of the prevailing wind, as long as other factors are suitable. The issue of the prevailing wind direction, which came to the fore after the opening of Istanbul Airport, stands before us as an example that emphasizes the importance of meticulously calculating meteorological conditions in runway construction.
● Topography of the airport area and its surroundings. When determining the direction of all runways, it is very important that there are no obstacles in front of the approach and take-off areas. The direction of the runway should be arranged in such a way that the aircraft is not directed towards crowded areas and areas.
● Type of air traffic, density and characteristics of air traffic control. The number of runways is determined by taking into account the busiest periods of air traffic. Considering the aircraft landings and takeoffs and aircraft types that occur within an hour, it is necessary to ensure that the number of runways is sufficient to meet the air traffic demand.
● Performance characteristics of the aircraft that will land on the runway. Since the landing and take-off distances of aircraft types differ, especially the length of the runway is directly related to this factor.
● Environmental conditions, especially noise. The impact of the location and alignment of the track on the wildlife in the region and the general ecological balance are among the factors to be taken into consideration. Another issue in this regard is the presence of noise-sensitive residential areas in the surrounding area.
After all the above conditions and many other details are taken into account, all that remains is to decide on the type and number of runways. While a single runway may be sufficient depending on the need and conditions, in large airports many runways can be built that intersect at certain angles or are parallel to each other.
How Many Types of Track Surfaces Are There?
According to the material from which the runways are constructed; It is divided into two: soft and paved runways. The ground where the planes take off and land is not fixed with any hardened material is called a soft runway. Soft runway application can be frequently used in places where runway construction and maintenance is very difficult. Compacted sand, gravel, soil surfaces, old lake beds, specially grassed fields, and even snow and ice covered areas in the polar regions are included in the soft track category. Takeoffs and landings on these types of runways, which change shape over time and are considered “dirty” because their surfaces are not stable, require special training and can also lead to dangerous situations.
What Materials Are Used in Airport Runway Construction?
The hard-surfaced, high-safety and long-lasting runways that we are all accustomed to and built in accordance with the large passenger aircraft used in civil air transportation are defined as fully paved runways. Although asphalt and concrete are widely preferred in the construction of this type of runways, which are smooth, smooth and durable, in some cases metal layers can also be used to increase strength. Although their surfaces can cause dangerous situations in icing, snowfall and precipitation conditions, the maintenance, maintenance and repair of these types of runways, which are quite safe under normal conditions, are also expensive and difficult. Runways with no foreign or unwanted objects, cracks, slopes, dents or bulges, and whose coating (even if damp) meets the braking values shown in the aircraft’s performance certificate, are called “clean runways”. For a runway to be considered clean; The amount of water, mud, snow and ice on the surface must be below the permitted values within the framework of aviation rules and legislation.